Adhesive and Coating Removal
Rip It Up have the appropriate grinders and tooling to remove adhesives and coatings.
Diamond Grinders use horizontally rotating discs to level, smooth or clean the top surface of a concrete slab. Some Grinders come with a multi-accessory disc that can be loaded with long lasting stones to level rough surfaces, remove sealers, paints, mastics or glues from concrete slabs. Primarily designed to work the top surface of a floor over large areas, grinders can also be used effectively to level uneven joints or high spots of 1-3mm. Grinders provide a smoother finish than scarifiers or scabblers.
For removal of:
- Adhesives
- Epoxy Paint Coatings Removal
- Concrete
- Stencil Crete
- Cover Crete
- Rain-damaged slabs
- Polishing Concrete
- Terrazzo
- Natural Stone
Rip It Up is equipped with one of the largest ranges of diamond grinders: from the smallest of grinders used for residential work up to the very large four-headed grinder used for large shopping centres, commercial buildings and industrial warehouses.
Rip It Up also has dust extraction covered with industrial grade system which can produce over 27000 litres of suction per minute and therefore eliminating hazardous airborne dust with efficient filtration.
Rip It Up also keeps a large range of diamond tooling on every truck to handle everything from thick epoxy and paints to adhesives and coatings.